Legal notice
General presentation
You are currently on "".This website is edited by:
26 rue Alfred Kastler 56000 Vannes -
Téléphone : 33611260316
Email :
RCS : Paris B 522 935 014
VAT : FR 95 522935014
Professional liability guarantee:
Share capital: 12 000,00 €
Publication : Isabel LEPAGE
This website is hosted by:
Juliana Web créateur
PIBS 2 - Le Radium
8 rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 56000 Vannes
Téléphone : 02 97 54 77 90
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Fédération du Commerce Coopératif et Associé (FCA)
77, rue de Lourmel - 75015 Paris
Téléphone : 01 44 37 02 00
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Technical information
We remind you that the secrecy of online correspondence cannot be fully guaranteed on internet networks. It is one’s duty to take all the appropriate measures to ensure the protection of said data or any software from possible viruses.
Editorial policy:
"" is a showcase website for COOKXY’s services, which are completed by simulation tools. Each presented product, photography or design is purely informative, and thus will not engage COOKXY’s responsibility, nor question orders’ validity.
Personal data:
COOKXY keeps provided data to analyse and forward them to the relevant unit within the company.
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any of your provided data on this website, as planned in article 34 of the French law “loi informatique et libertés”, January 6th 1978.
To exercise this right, contact the site administrator by regular mail at the following address:
26 rue Alfred Kastler 56000 Vannes
Hypertext links
Creating any hypertext links to this website "" must be approved by the Senior Web-editor beforehand.
Hypertext links from this website "" to other websites do not engage COOKXY
’s responsibility.
Reproduction or presentation, partial or fully, of any element of this website, whatever the support or process used, is forbidden and can constitute, without editor’s approval, a counterfeit.